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Marking 15 Years of CORE’s Work in Haiti

On Tuesday, January 12, 2010, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti shortly before 5 pm. With an epicenter only 25 km away, the quake devastated Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital and most populated city. More than 220,000 lost their lives, and over 1.5 million were displaced from their homes.  


As the dust settled, people fled to open spaces, fearing the collapse of damaged homes and multiple intense aftershocks. The Petionville Club golf course was one of the largest open spaces around. Overnight, the country’s only golf course became a residence for tens of thousands of Haitians. It was there that our organization was founded, originally as J/P HRO, which is now CORE.


As CORE marks 15 years of our robust response in Haiti, we want to recognize the unprecedented struggles that the country continues to face at this moment and celebrate the uplifting work that’s been done — and the resilient spirit of the Haitian people. CORE’s work has changed the lives of countless Haitians for the better, and we remain committed to this beautiful country and its people.  

Timeline: 2014-2018

Timeline: 2019 - Present

If you’d like to stay up-to-date with our ongoing response in Haiti or want to support this important work, please visit our Haiti Response landing page.