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Haiti Environmental Resilience


climate change | 2013-Now

Why is climate resilience work needed in Haiti?

Haiti currently ranks in the top ten of the Climate Risk Index, meaning it is critically exposed to the increasing effects of climate change, which impacts the health and livelihoods of over 11 million people. Storms in recent years have caused an estimated $61 million loss in agricultural production. With the threat of increased environmental disasters such as hurricanes and floods, Haiti will suffer further economic ramifications unless action is taken.  


For over a decade, CORE’s partners and Haitian staff on the ground have remained committed to empowering vulnerable communities with the resources and education to address and overcome these ongoing climate threats. Our longstanding environmental resilience programs work to cultivate the local ecosystem, support local farmers and fishers, and provide communities with economic opportunities. 


community members trained in natural resource management


fishers trained in sustainable fishing techniques 


moringa seedlings distributed to farmers 


moringa plots established 

Haitian men in a boat.

Haiti Takes Root (HTR) addresses Haiti’s environmental crisis with an innovative 30-year plan dedicated to overcoming the environmental and economic consequences of climate change through reforestation and supporting local farmers. HTR puts Haitian people at the center of all planning to ensure that they can sustainably manage natural resources and successfully adapt to the impacts of climate change.  

CORE x Acceso

CORE is partnered with Acceso on high-impact initiatives to solve poverty in Haiti, focusing on community building and environmental resilience through rural reforestation, creating economic opportunities and improving the lives of Haitian smallholder farmers. 

Ecosystem-based Adaptation

With multiple rounds of funding from the Caribbean Biodiversity Fund (CBF), CORE has implemented a “ridge to reef” approach in Baradéres-Cayemites, Bondeau, Corail, and Pestel Areas to protect and restore the watersheds and mangroves of protected coastal habitats. Through these ongoing programs, local farmers receive training to adopt sustainable cultivation methods and to encourage tree and shrub planting, while fishers learn about sustainable, alternative ways to improve fishing practices. CORE also provides environmental education in schools to encourage youth to become active and carry on these practices. 


By restoring and conserving Haiti’s coastal wetlands, CORE is supporting crucial work to address Haiti’s environmental challenges. 

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