CORE Logo Subtext
CORE Leadership collage featuring shots of Ann Lee and Sean Penn, Haitian staff, operations photos in the field.

“We were an airplane that
built itself after takeoff, and that’s a perilous ride in so many ways; and how it ended up surviving was the force of will of hundreds of people.”


Sean Penn

CORE Board Chairman

Bryan Lourd, Black and White headshot

Bryan Lourd

Chief Executive Officer and Co-Chairman, Creative Artists Agency (CAA)

Lt. General PK Ken Keen - black and white headshot

LT General P.K Ken Keen (Retired)

Leadership Executive, Goizueta Business School at Emory

Solei Moon Frye black and white headshot

Soleil Moon Frye

Actor, Director & Author

Gregory Milne, black and white headshot

Gregory Milne

Chief Executive Officer, Clinton Global Initiative at the Clinton Foundation

Alyson Tufts

Partner, Cuyler & Tufts LLP

Fernando Sulichin, black and white headshot

Fernando Sulichin

Founder of New Element Media, Executive Producer

Matt O'Connell, black and white headshot

Matt O’Connell

Former Chief Business Officer, CORE & Health Care Executive, Current Catalyst for Transformative Change

Patricia Velasquez, black and white headshot.

Patricia Velásquez

Actor, Model, Ambassador for Indigenous Peoples & Founder and President of The Wayuu Taya Foundation