California, Georgia, Chicago, North Carolina, New Orleans, Puerto Rico, Kentucky, Navajo Nation, Washington, D.C., Hawaii
June, 05 2023
A Syrian father of five weathers the aftermath of the Türkiye earthquake
As the war in Syria enters its twelfth year, refugees who sought safety in neighboring Türkiye, find themselves facing unimaginable loss yet again after the devastating February 6th earthquake.
Ashraf, a father of five, fled from Aleppo to escape the war with his family. After their home in Hatay was destroyed, the family lived outside until the ground finally stopped shaking.
“Every time we try to better our situation, even worse happens. First, coronavirus came, and it stopped us from working… after Covid we got hit with this earthquake [which was] more difficult than the war we faced for ten years. Just like we left our houses in Syria, we left our houses here in Türkiye. We left without taking anything at all. No clothes, no food supplies. We were homeless for three days, and there was no shelter or home to stay in,” Ashraf said.
CORE staffers met Ashraf in Mersin where he is living in a temporary shelter along with many other Syrian refugees. Still feeling unsettled and concerned for his family’s future, Ashraf is struggling to access basic resources for his children.
CORE and our local partner Ihsan were able to provide cash voucher assistance for Ashraf and many other Syrian and Turkish families in the area. We set up distribution points across Mersin for survivors and other at-risk communities. Families received pre-loaded cash voucher cards that can be used at local markets to purchase food, water, clothes, hygiene supplies and other essentials.
Syrian refugees and internally displaced Turkish survivors are having to pick up the pieces of what remains of their belongings, homes, communities, families, friends and even memories. Support like cash voucher cards empowers them to make their own decisions around accessing vital resources. CORE also delivered food assistance and is working on implementing a livelihoods program to allow families to reestablish their small businesses. With continued support, CORE is committed to adapting our response and helping affected communities rebuild, the best way we can.
California, Georgia, Chicago, North Carolina, New Orleans, Puerto Rico, Kentucky, Navajo Nation, Washington, D.C., Hawaii
CORE is a charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Federal tax ID: 27-1703237.
© 2024 | CORE – Community Organized Relief Effort | +1 (323) 934 4400
910 N Hill St Los Angeles, CA 90012