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Siskiyou County


Wildfire Mitigation and Preparedness.

In July 2022, the McKinney Fire, primarily fueled by extreme drought conditions and an oppressive heat dome, spread across Siskiyou County, charring 60,000 acres, destroying 118 homes, and claiming four lives. 


Siskiyou County spans along the California-Oregon border as the fifth largest county in California by area. Sprawling fields used for agricultural production, mountains, and multiple national parks and forests make up its unique landscape; but increasing temperatures, droughts, and unpredictable storms have made the area increasingly susceptible to wildfires and other natural disasters.


Consequently, federal, state, and local governments and organizations are investing in programs and resources that will build fire-wise communities, making the county more prepared for and resilient to future wildfires.    

How is CORE supporting communities in Siskiyou County?

As part of a statewide initiative by the USDA Forest Service, CORE is partnering with the Fire Safe Council of Siskiyou County (FSCSC) to support wildfire mitigation and preparedness throughout Siskiyou County.  


This five-year, multi-phase program (prepare, educate, empower) engages community members through public outreach and other fuel reduction initiatives. In coordination with FSCSC, CORE is hosting events to share crucial emergency evacuation information and resources, assist with emergency sign-ups, and distribute go-bags and other tailored materials.  


Our local team will identify areas for fuel reduction to create safe ingress and egress for firefighters, emergency personnel, and residents. This portion of the project will clear 50 feet on either side of certain roads and potentially clear out 300 acres in other selected areas.

CORE is also offering free home assessments to residents, with the goal of creating defensible spacesor a buffer zone between someone’s home and the surrounding area that slows or halts the progress of an intruding fire—for low-income households in the county.

This includes implementations of Fire Aside recommendations for defensible space measures around the home such as clearing hazardous vegetation, regular maintenance for debris-free home, fire-smart landscaping, and hardscaping tips. 

If you are a resident of Siskiyou County, sign up for a free wildfire home assessment today.


The Fire Safe Council of Siskiyou County is a coalition of public and private sector organizations that formed in September 2022 and share a common, vested interest in wildfire prevention and loss mitigation. Councils are dedicated to saving lives and reducing fire losses by making their communities fire safe.


If you are a resident of Siskiyou County

Sign up for Emergency Alerts


ReadySiskiyou Alerts for general emergency and community alerts

Genasys Protect to view your evacuation zone

Watch Duty for live updates about wildfires in your area 

Get Involved 


Start or join a FireWise Community  

Join the online public meeting Fire Safe Council of Siskiyou County 


Wildfires California

Emergency Response