> Substantial repair and reconstruction of individual households, schools, and community-based centers
> Restoration of water towers and centralized water systems, pumps, and tanks
> Distributing firewood and other heating materials to ensure people living on the front lines stay warm during winter
> Cash assistance to help displaced families and individuals cover the cost of rent and utilities
> Restoring gas systems to ensure residents living on the front lines can heat their homes, cook food, and use hot water
> Distribution of food and hygiene kits customized for the needs of vulnerable communities repeatedly targeted by ongoing fire
> Supporting the agricultural sector with fuel for harvesting and demining
> Supplying digital tools and software to serve affected populations, especially persons with disabilities, through partnership with administrative centers
> Provision of critical nonfood items (NFIs) to collective centers and healthcare facilities, including construction materials, laundry machines, diesel generators to sustain operations of central water and heating systems during blackouts